About Your Dietitian & Wellness Coach

Hi there! I’m Lisa.

Balance and wholeness are at the core of my wellness philosophy — the Whole Nutrition Approach. Whole foods. Whole person. Whole life. Optimizing your health includes knowing “what” to eat for your unique body. But there’s more. My approach coaches you “how” to confidently implement healthy habits for a lifetime.

Lisa Contreras, RDN, LD, CDCES

My interest in wellness began 20 years ago when my dad was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. By helping to manage his condition, I quickly began to realize the impact of food choices on health. The positive changes I witnessed were tangible and significant, which prompted me to change careers so I could help others lead healthier lives.

Most of us aspire for good health. American philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson aptly captured this common truth when he once said, “The First Wealth is Health.” But sustaining a healthier lifestyle is not as easy as it sounds.

Many people struggle with unwanted weight that increased dramatically during the pandemic. Living in a culture that promotes processed food and fad diets only complicates matters.

The World Health Organization reports that weight gain of greater than 10 pounds in adulthood increases the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes, according to research from the Nurses’ Health Study and Health Professionals Follow-up Study.

Losing weight in a healthful manner and keeping it off can be a reality. Even modest weight loss of 5-7% can reduce your risks. Ready for positive change? Let’s work together to achieve your health goals!

The Whole Nutrition Approach

My professional philosophy focuses on helping my clients make simple, effective, and sustainable lifestyle changes. The “Whole Nutrition Approach” does not command perfection, nor does it require following strict rules, but it does center on quality whole food ingredients that nourish and heal the body. It’s a flexible, plant-forward approach that can help reduce health risks and also help you achieve and maintain a healthier weight naturally, without obsessing over calories.

As a wellness coach, I work to support the whole person. Mindfulness, quality sleep, stress management and mental health, physical activity, and healthy routines are just as important as nutrition for overall health.

My recommendations are based on science, not fads or gimmicks. And I believe that small habit changes that build over time lead to more sustainable lifestyle changes. Simple  culinary tips and tricks are key elements in client education and skill building, as they help simplify cooking and enhance flavors, textures, color, and nutrients. After all, healthy eating should be enjoyable and fit into everyone’s lifestyle seamlessly. Supporting clients as a partner in their health journey is always a top priority.